Maybe This is Why We Crave Sugar

Have you ever taken antibiotics at anytime in your life?

Then you will want to read the following information about MSG, High Fructose Corn Sweeteners, Antibiotics and Yeast and the detrimental effects on a persons health.  At the end it tells you what simple remedy some doctors and pharmacists are trying to get out there that can help you….but pharmaceutical companies, with their very deep pockets, are trying to hush it up (so they can get lots of your money!)

Did you know antibiotics kill off the bad bacteria but also the good bacteria that your body needs? This is what allows  yeast to grow out of control in your body. Some doctors know to tell you after taking antibiotics you need probiotics to re-balance the healthy flora in your gut.  (Get it: anti-biotics and pro-biotics)

Ever drank milk or eaten beef or chicken? (Animals are fed steroids and antibiotics in their food which get passed on to you in the meat, milk and eggs) then chances are you have yeast in your body.


eczema,  allergies,  hay fever,   chronic viral and bacterial infection, dizziness, heart palpitations, fatigue, anxiety, congested nose, hives, diarrhea, weakness, cramps, arthritis, irritability or depression, gas, bloating, abdominal pain, indigestion, acne,cysts, earaches, mental and emotional problems, gastritis, gastric ulcer, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation and spastic colon, frequent sore throat, mouth or canker sores, sinus infection, bronchial infections, chronic cough and asthma, palpitations, rapid pulse rate (Candida does not directly affect the heart but rather the hormones regulating the system), yeast infections, urinary burning, frequent urination, lack of bladder control, bed-wetting, menstrual cramping, PMS infertility, muscle weakness, night leg pains, muscle stiffness (especially neck and shoulder), slow reaction time, poor coordination, poor motor skills, falling, tendency to drop things. (Yeast impairs cells from receiving nutrients and eliminating waste and also nerve/muscle sending patterns), sinus headache, tension headache, migraines, low blood sugar headaches, and rapid blood sugar changes, irritability, restlessness, panic attacks, sudden anger, sleep disturbances, poor short term memory, inability to concentrate, fuzzy thinking and confusion, skin infections, usually in the rash type in nature, typically under the breasts, groin area, diaper rash, hives etc,  and  impaired metabolism.  Weight gain may result from an overgrowth of yeast, which may cause cravings for sugar, interference with normal hunger, high insulin levels, low metabolism, low energy levels and fatigue and a “basketball gut”, even when you exercise and diet.

Yeast problems are sometimes attributed to gluten intolerance. The symptoms of a yeast allergy or infection often mimic those of gluten intolerance or celiac disease.   Some physicians believe that gluten intolerance underlies a yeast allergy. Besides avoiding yeast, one should also avoid all sugars.

FACT: Yeast makes you crave sugar.

FACT: Two ALIASES for Monosodium Glutamate (MSG ) are: autolyzed yeast and yeast extract, which you many see on a food label instead of MSG. (Look for these aliases for MSG on the package labels.)

Check the packaging on anything you buy in a jar, can, package or box to see if it has any of the other names for MSG:  If the food is not in its original form–such as nuts, raw vegetables or raw fruits–chances are they are processed in some way; thus the name “processed foods”.

Yeast, a fungus, ferments the sugar we eat thus producing more yeast cells which will multiply. You may notice a spongy texture in your stomach and body, much like bread dough gets as it rises.

A 12 oz can of soda can contain as much as 13 teaspoons of sugar in the from of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). This simply means you are dousing the yeast with sugar and allowing it to multiply when you eat or drink anything with high fructose corn sweeteners! Additionally, fructose fails to turn off the appetite.

While epidemic obesity from high fructose corn sweeteners (HFCS ) is becoming a national concern, research suggests that (HFCS ) also promotes type-2 diabetes.

The livers of test animals fed large amounts of high fructose corn sweeteners develop fatty deposits and cirrhosis, similar to problems that develop in the livers of alcoholics.

MSG (a yeast) increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes and certain types of cancer. Too much yeast can cripple the immune system. A sluggish or impaired immune system weakens the body’s ability to fight off yeast.

Yeasts can occur from:

  • a wide variety of foods ‘hidden’ yeast in foodstuffs, beverages and medications.
  • poor nutrition
  • Steroid drugs (such as cortisone) or those given to cattle and chicken to make them grow faster thereby getting them to market faster and making more money for the producer
  • antibiotics, such as those used to control acne or various bacterial infection or those put into the cattle’s feed.
  • Stress and environmental pollutants
  • hormonal change like pregnancy, hormone therapy or the birth control pill.

How MSG Ties  to High Fructose Corn Sweeteners:

Research show that the rapidly growing yeast fungus fed with high fructose corn sweeteners (found in fruit juices, crackers, cakes, cookies, barbecue sauce, ketchup, soft drinks, and numerous other  processed foods) makes the yeast grow even faster. Don’t forget that corn is a starch that converts to sugar which will then feed the yeast. (Many nutritionists tell their Diabetes patients to avoid corn.)

As the body becomes vitamin and mineral deficient it begins  weakening and we see  an increase in obesity, diabetes,  kidney and heart failure, liver disease, and accelerated aging, such as speeding up bone loss that occurs naturally with aging.

MSG also triples the amount of insulin the pancreas creates.
Insulin, the hunger hormone in your blood can slow down your metabolism, make you increasingly hungrier, make it harder to lose weight and easier to gain weight. Insulin has had a dramatic impact on people who are struggling to control their weight. Insulin not only responds to what you have eaten; it also stimulates an appetite for more. (That is why it is known as the hunger hormone.)

Insulin not only stimulates your appetite; increased levels of insulin can actually slow your metabolism and cause your body to store fat more easily. Therefore you will not only feel hungrier more often after eating something with MSG, you’ll also be more likely to gain weight. And if you’re already over-weight, you already have more insulin than you should in your bloodstream; the more overweight a person, the more insulin he has in his system.

Sadly most average Americans are existing on a diet of processed foods, which depletes nutrients. When this happens, the body’s fat-burning ability is impaired. Our bodies are constantly challenged by eating highly processed food or eating in restaurants–from fast food  (Burger King, KFC, McDonalds, etc)  to expensive places.  It isn’t just in Chinese food.

Insulin responses, from MSG, have been shown to create excess belly fat. Therefore, if insulin and blood sugar are controlled, a person should lose weight. Fat might be as much a matter of insulin than lack of activity.

Bolster your system
Two tablespoons of vinegar, taken in the morning, helps control blood glucose levels, an important finding in the treatment of diabetes.

Apple cider vinegar contains chromium which helps balance blood sugar and suppresses cravings for carbs and controls hunger allowing people to lose weight. Not only does one feel fuller faster but it helps break down fats. It may help kill the out of control yeast.

Note: Apple cider vinegar contains a lot of enzymes too, as well as minerals and vitamins. The naturally-occurring compounds could theoretically interact with diuretics, laxatives, blood-thinners and medications often used to treat diabetes and heart diseases so run this by your physician before use.

B Vitamins- Vitamin B12 deficiency is connected to an overgrowth of Candida  (that is why some experience fatigue….even chronic fatigue). Be sure to use a balanced complex of B vitamins, such as B-150 at Wal-Mart.

Garlic is nature’s yeast-fighting antibiotic. Those who bake bread know not to add garlic while the dough is rising or it will kill the yeast.

Monosodium Glutamate is an excitotoxin that can harm your brain and heart.

“Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) literally stimulates neurons to death, causing brain damage to varying degrees.”

-Russell Blaylock, M.D.
Board Certified Neurosurgeon
“Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills”

Nutrasweet (Aspartame) is an excitotoxin, also. Research shows that both aspartame and Monosodium Glutumate (MSG) are linked to fibromyalgia.

See also:

Scientific Evidence of Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits

Medical professionals on yeast

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