How can we make an anniversary special for our parents in these days of Coronavirus


Q. How can we make an anniversary special for our parents in these days of Covid?

A. Technology can easily help you create a simple way to make the day a wonderful celebration.

Simply, snap pictures of some of the honorees old photographs, then text or email them to children, grandchildren, friends and other relatives, far and wide, asking them to share any memory they may recall from seeing the pictures*.

Most folks have access to a computer or phone to respond back which is great if you have limited time to pull something together. This cuts way down on calling and mailing everyone to explain,  then waiting on the mail to return responses to the person who sent it to them.

Each person’s memory will be a bit different from everyone else’s since we each remember things based on our own perspective. Other’s memories of an event can give the couple new memories to enjoy.

A few suggested pictures to elicit memories, which can be printed out with the picture (or put together in a video):

  • the couple dating
  • their wedding day
  • “the family” when the first baby was born …and it expands as a new person is added….whether by being a bride or groom or by the birth into the family
  • their vehicles over the years as many memories with come from pictures of those
  • where dad worked (and mom, too if she worked….even better, all the places they worked, even if some pictures must be found on the internet)
  • their old home or first home and other homes where they had lived (yes, they can be found on the internet, also)
  • mom’s old bicycle (that she attempted to ride as a ‘grownup’ (giggle)
  • where they had gone to church when they lived in another town
  • the home where they grew up
  • Ask friends and family to tell when, where,  and how they met your parents.

And if one of them kept a journal they might let you match up some memories from it with pictures you come across. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As the honored couple look at the shared memories and pictures, on their anniversary, chances are that they will mention their own memories. A family member can record/note/write down the couples reflections to be added to the other memories.

When they return it, bind them together into a book for the couple to treasure reading over and over, as they rediscover memories and gives family members to learn more about the couple’s lives.

Many  happy hours can be enjoyed as the couple look at the shared memories again and again.

This gift is priceless for those who have everything. It will last much longer than any material gift you could give them. Plus, it provides a written account of memories that family members might not otherwise have ever heard.

*This is much like how Reminisce magazine would show a picture and ask people to share a memory that the picture evokes.

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