Baby Boomer & Senior Citizens













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3 Responses to Baby Boomer & Senior Citizens

  1. Pingback: “Senior Citizens” and “Baby Boomer” Discounts |

  2. Grace says:

    The Green House Project, which replaces nursing homes with comfy, shared houses where everyone participates in making the evening meal was founded by Dr. William H. Thomas who was shocked by the way we treat elders (a term he much prefers to “seniors”) It is disgusting the way that elders are wheeled into institutional cafeterias with no one asking anything of them, because they’re not people anymore. They’re more like packages.

    He says that waiting on people hand and foot goes beyond being helpful; actually dampening the joy of human existence. Treating older people like fragile antiques to be preserved in climate-controlled comfort may lengthen ones’ days on earth but they are still humans, and humans crave novelty….even if it involves a little risk.

    Helicopter parents try to remove all risk from their kids’ lives, by freaking out over “What if?” We do the same thing to our elders, denying them the joy still left in life, because … well, what if you go out of town and get sick away from your doctor?” What if they are out after dark?

    Both kids and elders need to be exposed to risk in order to grow. Confronted with something new and a bit risky allows them to learn to adjust in a situation where things can turn out quite differently than expected

    Novelty is vital to the soul at any age. Did you know that the nervous system requires novelty, in order to make new connections?

    Growing into elderhood is not that different from when one grow into adulthood from adolescence. It can be a time of growth,and of course, it’s not without risk. Giving novelty back to our elders, can help ensure that when we grow old no one is saving us from new experiences. Let’s start believing in our elders and in our kids, allowing them to grow as they roll with the punches.

    Bill Thomas a Harvard-trained doctor, is the author of “What are Old People For? How Elders Will Save the World.”

  3. Cleve says:

    Because the average age for a woman to become a widow, according the the U.S. Census, is 59.4 I would like to add this agency serving people over 60 (and no, you don’t have to be widowed):

    The Older Americans Act, enacted by Congress in 1965, allocated funding for numerous “Area Agencies on Aging” across the US. They provide resources for transportation, home-delivered meals, respite care, income tax preparation, medication assistance, flu shots, heating and cooling assistance, homemaker services, housing, legal assistance, where to report suspected neglect or exploitation of elderly persons and more.
    They also help coordinate recreational activities, such as senior games: bowling tournaments, track, basketball free throw, golf, shuffleboard, and more. Senior centers across America provide numerous activities and services for both active and home bound seniors.

    Some will, if asked, also provide daily telephone reassurance calls and/or weekly visits to ensure the safety and well-being of the senior in question.

    Check your phonebook for the number of your local agency.

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